Maneet Gill
(Maa Nirmi Keertana)
My Journey
My tryst with the Self began in the year 2007, under the able and loving guidance of my Prathama Guru, Maa Gyaan Suveera. She embraced me, a debutante in the field, with such love and affection....it was overwhelming!!
The Mystical sciences of Tarot, Reiki, Meditation, Yantra, Mantras, Hooponopono, streamed into my life, via Maa. My endless gratitude, and humble prostrations to GuruMaa!🙏
The Source Divine brought more Gurus, as IT deemed fit, at different stages of my soul journey, in the years that followed. I felt awed, and tremendously blessed!!
Over a period of time, I realized that the Guru Tattva is all-pervading. Every atom of Creation can be teacher, if we walk with humility, gratitude, and trust in Providence.
Books, and Scriptures blessed me aplenty, leaving me satiated, yet thirsting for more, both at once! Guru-Kripaa, all of it!!
I would be but another dormant seed in the soil of Existence, had it not been for my students, clients and well wishers, who constantly showered upon me love and trust, aplenty.
I grow because of them.
My family, friends and relatives, have been the anchors to the ship of my journey. I thank them, truly.
The year 2014, was a year of the Great Shift, within me.
The Divine Master, H.H. Babaji, as we fondly address Him, took me in His Umbrella of Grace and Love! Babaji spends most of His life in the Himalayan caves, and is the last in the lineage of the great Tantric Gurus, whose paramparas are handed down through generations, by word of mouth.
If I've been witness to Godism and Gurudom, and been attuned to Surrender, it is His Kripaa. He is the beginning, middle and end of Creation, to me.
All I do, is Babaji's Decree. By Him, of Him, for Him, unto Him, is this humble speck by name Maneet.