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It is illuminating to consider what these cords are. The theory is that they are the visualized energy transfer conduit between two people. One is usually the donor, and one is usually on the receptive end. It is a relationship of dependency between a stronger being and a weaker being. If this is sounding unhealthy already, good! However, it has been theorized that these conduits are modeled after the umbilical cord. Your first cord cutting ritual was at birth! That was the severance of the meat of the cord, but there is usually no doubt that an energetic cord of (hopefully) healthy dependance remains between baby-child-young adult and their parents. Cords also form along this umbilical model between friends, lovers, spouses, employees and employers...and unfortunately between predators (aka energy vampires) and their prey.


Because we are all people somewhere on the spectrum of mental, health and emotional unbalance, with motives from pure to puerile, there are many opportunities for cords to be formed, whether we like it or not. Some of these connections are healthy, others codependent, others outright malicious.


An energetic cord is a link that ties you to another person through words, emotions, or just plain energy exchange. While cords can be beneficial, such as those that share love between two individuals, many cords are quite detrimental and transfer low (negative) energy emotions, thoughts, or feelings. They can also perpetuate harmful relationship patterns either throughout the relationship or after is has ended.


When you cut a cord, this doesn't necessarily mean that you cut someone out of your life entirely, though it can. Sometimes, all it means is that you can cut the cord from a single, harmful encounter-with a hostile stranger or with the hurtful remark of a loved one.

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