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Quantum 1 Blog - How can I be full of positive energy at all times?

Updated: Feb 8, 2020

And the famous question am asked of late, is -" How can I be full of positive energy at all times?".

Hello. People, positive energy is not a pill of Crocin that you can pick up at the Chemist. As in, ' Bhaiyya, today am low on zest for life and its' people. Since I can't get away with multiple murders, can you gimme one of them Positive-energy-pills, to keep my sanity?'.

One pill down the gullet, and it is, " Bhaiyya, all is blessed. And am back with the zest."

Readers, Guru-Kripaa, and the Guru's Word within, goad me to pen down an Energy-series. A continuum of the what, why, how and when of Energy.

Bit by bit. Nay, quantum by quantum. Allow me...

Positive and Negative, later. First, what IS Energy?

Everything in the Universe is made of Energy. By that, I mean, every single bit of Creation, living, non-living, animate or inanimate, is made of Energy. The pen I write with, the paper I write on, the desk am seated at, the room this desk is a part of, each object in my house, the plants that adorn the balcony, the Sun that shines on them, my pet dog Brandy, us four adults that make this house a home. . all of it, is Energy.

To sum up, the whole of the Cosmos is one big Energy Bowl in which, we, as Creations, both animate and inanimate, constitute the Energy Soup.

Ok, let me make this even simpler. The electricity that runs the appliances in my house is the same as the electricity that runs the gadgets in your house which is the same as the electricity in any part of the Globe. The appliances attached to this electrical power, being different, manifest differently. The geyser for heat, the Airconditioner for the cooling and so on. Take away the appliances, and all that remains, is Electricity.

In the same flow, take away the physical forms of Creation-- the plants, the animals, the planets, the rivers, the stones, the mountains, us human beings-- and what remains, beneath, as the Core Substance, is Energy.

Not just this, every single thought, emotion, word, deed and action, is Energy, too!

Which, zip zap zoom, transports me years back to the classroom at school, wherein the Law of Conservation of Energy, was being dished out by the teacher. 'Energy can neither be created, nor destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form to the other'.

Achha! So, here and now, two myths get busted.

Myth 1) You can 'destroy' the negative energies, namely- fear, anger, malice, ego, jealousy, guilt, blah blah . Nah. You cannot.

Myth 2) You can 'create' abundance, joy, money, health, relationships blah blah. Nah, you cannot!

OMG! Now what? Here is the ground reality. The energy called Anger can be 'transformed' into the energy called Peace.

Ego transformed is Humility.

Dis-ease transformed is Health.

Transformation, you call it.

In the eye of the Energy, it is rechristened Transmutation.

The change in the very taste!

Salt to Sugar, or vice versa, if that's how you like it.

This aggregate of Energy that IS the Energy Soup, is all-pervading. Register it like a Mantra. All is energy.

This Universal all-pervading Energy that the animate and inanimate bit in Creation is made of, is what is Cosmic Energy.

It is the very fabric of the Cosmos, and the very fabric that all in the Cosmos is made of.

The Creator is the Cosmic King. We, as Creations, are legal heirs to the Cosmic Energies. I choose to call this Divine phenomenon 'Our Inherent Cosmic Connection'.

For now, let this sink in. More, in "Quantum 2".

Until then, be blessed.

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